Spiritual Cleansing
Cleansing is one of the most important areas of conjure that you will every study. Cleansing can handle just about any situation you will come across. I have found at times it's the ONLY way to help yourself or another person. If you're crossed you won't get any lasting results from your work. While you may see a difference for a short while the condition will continue until you give yourself a good cleansing. No matter what the root of the crossed condition might be, the results are always the same. Nothing in life seems to work out for a person that is crossed. This is a very important lesson that we all must learn and use in our daily lives.
I know sometimes we are busy and just don’t have time. Well you need to make the time! If you want your work to be a success then you have to keep your self-cleansed. In general, all cleansings are performed for seven days! Seven is the traditional number associated with cleansing. The best planetary hours for doing cleansing are Venus, Jupiter and the Sun. Your cleansing work should start in one of these hours. You would use Venus for crossed love conditions, Jupiter for luck/money, and the Sun for all health problems. Or you can use a seven day candle. Then you would of course be using all of the planetary hours. If you are unable to pinpoint the problem, then start the cleansing in the hour of the Sun.
Although using the planets really has nothing to do with conjure work, you can add it to your cleansing. This will give you extra power to achieve the cleansing that you need. I look at cleansing and uncrossing as the same work; when you do both your removing blocked conditions from yourself. I consider this also healing work; because by removing the blocks that are in your way you are healing that area of your life. If you want to have total success in your life and your work then it is very important that you keep yourself cleansed and protected at all times. If you choose not to do this then you are asking for trouble down the road.
Any time you do any kind of work you need to cleanse yourself first. You don’t want someunknown energies entering your work. Also you will be able to focus on the work at hand if you feel refreshed. I cannot stress this enough cleansing is the most important part of your work; if you expect to be successful. I have heard it said a few times that you don’t need to cleanse yourself until the job is done; well I say this is a load of crap. Are you going to leave a hotfoot work you have done and are still working on around you and yours? I hope you are smarter than that. Use your common sense! Don’t believe everything you hear from these so called experts.
Ways to Cleanse
There are many ways that one can use to cleanse. We are going to talk about the ways I use. I want to teach you at least one good system that you can use to cleanse yourselves with. You will have a few to choose from and I don’t care which one you choose to use just so long as you pick one and use it. As I have stated at the starting of this lesson, you must keep yourself spiritually cleansed. This is so very important. You will have to get in the habit of doing this; then it will come as second nature to you.
Some of the ways you can cleanse yourself are so easy, and they are not time consuming that it would be stupid not to use them. After all we are talking about your spiritual person here. We touched on this in the last class, but I thought it important enough to do a whole lesson on. This is the first thing you need to learn before you do any kind of conjure work. Also as I stated you need to keep yourself cleansed so you don’t have any blocks and you can have success in your life.
Just being around negative people all day can draw that type of energies to our selves. I know and understand that we are all busy during our day; and we are tired by the time the day is through. You just have to take the time to do this. It is very important! Below you will find a few different ways to cleanse yourself. This is by no means all of them.Remember to cleanse those feet; this is very important!
The Chicken Foot
The chicken foot is a wonderful tool to use for cleansing. The chicken scratches up messes! So by scratching yourself lightly with the chicken foot you will be removing the negative energy from yourself. This is a simple but effective way to keep yourself clean!
The Cleansing Sprinkle
For this you need a bottle and a sprinkler head; the kind like was used in the old days for ironing. To your bottle you add, salt, Florida water, Holy water, and fill the rest with water from a faucet. Once you have it ready you sprinkle yourself with it while praying Psalm 23. Remember to do those feet!
A small whisk or fan the whole dried wing of a black hen or buzzard, may be used to cleanse and take off jinxes. I use a whole Turkey wing for brushing, this works well because the Turkey is known to gobble things up. To remove a crossed condition you sweep downward, while praying that the condition be removed and you be cleansed.
Rub Down
An alcohol base is used to make a spiritual rub down. You add your herbs to the alcohol and pray over it. Then you rub yourself in a downward motion while praying.
Cleansing by Smoke
Smoke can also be used to cleanse and to remove block conditions. When I cleanse a client using this method I cover them with a white sheet and set the incense pot under the sheet. Don’t cover your head. Once the incense has gone out I brush them down, always going in a downward motion to remove. Sulfur and be burned in the home to cleanse it.
Candle Cleansing
You can use a black candle to cleanse away a crossed or jinxed condition. Take you candle and wipe yourself in a downward motion; while praying that the candle draw the condition off of you and remove it to the sender.
Cleansing Prayer
If you feel that you have a crossed condition then you need to read Isaiah 41 for at least three consecutive days. This pray is very powerful and will remove anything that is on you.